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Private School Applications

2024 - 2025  8th Grade Private School Announcement 


Hello 8th grade families! 

We are entering private high school application season. We are happy to support you in this endeavor but do request more information in order to fully complete the counselor portion of your application. 

If you will be applying to a private school please follow these guidelines:

Step 1

Please check out the website to view the checklist procedure for applying to private schools. This is a handy checklist which will help you organize yourself through this process. 

Miller Middle School Private School Checklist

Step 2

Obtain an application from the admissions office of the private high school(s). 

Step 3

Recommendation Requests: In order for us to write a meaningful recommendation for you we do require you fill out the 25-26 8th Grade Private School Brag Sheet

We ask for 4 weeks notice for recommendation letters. Talk to your teacher(s) prior to adding their information in the application.

Step 4

Transcript Request: All transcripts will be sent after the semester ends and final grades are in the system, no earlier than February 2, 2025. 

Please also keep in mind that the Miller grading schedule may conflict with private school application due dates. Private schools understand that each district has its own unique schedule and they will accept your transcript late if this is the case. It is important for you to communicate with your private school if you see this as a conflict. 

The counselors will upload all documents directly to Ravenna or the alternative online platform selected by the school. 

Please allow 3-4 weeks to process the forms. 

We look forward to guiding you through to your next academic adventure!

Ms. Chau (A - L)

Ms. Lindsay (M - Z)